Monday, August 6, 2012

Goodbye San Diego!!

After nearly 6 years in San Diego we are moving back to Seattle! Nathan starts work today and has a week of training in the Bay Area before we finish out move up to Seattle. We are pretty excited to be near family again although we are definitely going to miss all our wonderful friends in SoCal (and Disneyland!!! *sniff*). We left San Diego Saturday morning and took the scenic route up the coast, staying the first night in Lompoc, CA and driving Big Sur and cycling in Monterey Sunday. Here's some picture form the trip so far, who knew moving could be so fun! (ok what you can't see here is that  poor Pilot is packed full and there are like 8 pairs of shoes, 4 giant avocados, two bike locks, and Pilot's sun shield all where my legs go. good thing I have short legs...)

Front seat is a little crowded, how did we ever end up with such a large penguin?!? I blame you Costco! Well at least the penguin looks happy. :)

Little Babar checking out the Elephant Seal info sign. He's glad he's a stuffed elephant and not an elephant seal, his life is much easier.

Elephant posing with the elephant seals 

Us posing with elephant seals

Fighting elephant seals. They do this which also making low burping noises.

Oh a light house!

These seals look like they might be saying a friendly hello to each other, but in reality they are about to body slam each other repeatedly while simultaneously trying to bite one another.

Sea otters at Morrow Bay

Lunch at Ragged Point in Big Sur. Also there was a live folk/bluegrass pair singing while we ate which was pretty cool. 

Lunch place! (the view looking back from the ocean) :D

Somewhere on the Calirofnia Coast

Pilot enjoying a nice view in Big Sur

Big Sur bridge pano! Yay! I love that my phone can do this (even if the colors end up a bit weird)

Hey! it's us!

We also had a fantastic bike ride in Monterey, but my phone died so I don't have picture. Nathan took some so maybe he'll post them in a bit. For now imagine two people who look like us biking around near the water (that should generate a rather accurate picture of what we looked like). :)

We arrived in Sunnyvale at our hotel just before midnight. We were pretty tired by I managed to carry all the animals up to the room (oh and also our clothes and stuff). I think we might travel with more animals than normal... but I haven't really done research on the matter to find out for sure.

Now I'm hanging out in the hotel room while Nathan is at work (ok, I'm working too, but at least I can sit in bed and have the olympics on in the background). :)

More updates soon!


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